Clean up Aisle 4!

The weather is absolutely beautiful in NYC. Nash and I went for our afternoon walk, doing the same route we have done a few times, and I am not sure if it was the brisk weather, or if it is because he was used to the route, but he was a rockstart. It was the best route that we have had since being back in NYC. I don’t even think we grazed up against anyone which is rare for NYC, and it was a lot more crowded out today than it was yesterday. With there no longer being cars allowed further down on Broadway, there is not as much traffic up near me in the 50’s, so you really do need to listen closely for traffic. Listening for the traffic is new to me, as I was able to see the crossing lights a few months ago. So much for listening to the ipod in one ear when I walk. I always imagined that was a pretty funny sight. A blind guy walking with a cane, and the ipod ear bud in one ear, and the other ear free to listen.

And then we came to the Duane Reade. We were navigating pretty well, until I turned down one aisle, and Nash cleared the display, but the handle of the harness didn’t. And crash, I think they were chips of some kind, as I was in the soda aisle, but it did make a loud noise, and my first reaction. I actually shouted out, “Clean up aisle 4.” It made me laugh, besides what else am I going to say. “Sorry, but if Duane Reade didn’t find it necessary to put a display in every bit of free walking space, these things wouldn’t happen/” I am betting that I am not the first blind person to ever go into a Duane Reade, and probably not the first blind person with a guide dog to go into a Duane Reade. What the hell does Duane Reade do when someone in a wheel chair comes into the store? The pharmacy is in the back of the store. Do they have to go to every aisle, and maybe actually find one that you don’t have to squeeze through? I do not believe knocking over part of the display was Nash’s fault. I chock that one up to Duane Reade. If I ever meet someone named Duane Reade, I may have to be restrained from punching them.

And now, back to being completely cursed, and screwed in this life. I get back to my building, and they just started a complete renovation of the lobby. That’s right, there will be a giant erector set in the lobby that will be moving around all the time for the next six months. Un “Fucking” believable. I was home 3 days with Nash, and they start this today. Nash seemed like all the people and construction really confused him. It’s a good thing that I only have to go through it every time I enter or leave the building. Are you kidding me. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all. Well, I got a month’s worth of mail to go through.

3 Responses to “Clean up Aisle 4!”

  1. Lona Says:

    suck it up! Poor Nash he is just getting used to your lobby and bam construction. Now he is going to feel guilty if he does not know which way to go. Perhaps he will need a puppy psychologist to get through all of this. sorry I am getting out of hand here. Seriously, nothing in life is ever easy so why should they do something sensible such as start constuction the day you left for guiding eyes. ugh
    good luck
    aunt lona

  2. ihateduanereade Says:

    Hey there – caught your story and shared it on the site. Hope you don’t mind – it was a great one!!

    Best to ‘Nash’, which is the best dog name ever.

  3. blindgator Says:

    Not a problem. Glad to see someone feels my Duane Reade pain. Only question, with a user name like that, what about Rite Aid, Walgreens, and of course, the evil empire Walmart?

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